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Estudiantes internacionales y el COVID 19

marzo 27, 2020
Estudiantes internacionales y el COVID 19

Sabemos que para los estudiantes internacionales el COVID 19 te está generando incertumbre y un sin número de preguntas con respecto a la situación de sus visas. A medida que todos seguimos navegando a través de estos desafíos únicos y en evolución, queremos que sepas que EMGROUP  está aquí para apoyarte. Por eso te dejamos la última actualización que recibimos por parte de migración con respecto a la situación de los estudiantes internacionales y los links que puedes consultar para permanecer actualizado.

Key Messages as at 24 March 2020

• The international education sector and students around the globe are responding to unprecedented challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

•Australia is well placed and prepared to manage during this time, and we are taking collective actions to support public health and our community.  The safety of all students and the public is the Government’s number one priority. 

• Circumstances around the world are changing constantly, the best way to stay informed is to follow advice from your institution and the official the links via Study in Australia that aggregate advice.

•We know you have many questions. We are working through this together, The international student FAQs are a good place to start to see if your question is answered. If not, please reach out.

Student Hotline

•The Australian Government has provided a dedicated email and hotline for international students if you have questions – international.students@dese.gov.au or call 1300 981 621 (8 am to 8 pm AEDST Monday to Friday – calls within Australia only).

Student Health Care and OSHC

• If an international student is showing symptoms of COVID-19, they should phone the 24/7 health direct number 1800 022 222 and speak with a nurse regarding their symptoms.

• For most OSHC providers, visits to a GP are covered at 100 per cent of the government-recommended fee (known as the ‘MBS’).  Seek advice from your OSHC provider.


•By 24 March 2020 many students in Australia will have moved to fully online teaching modes, with full support from their institutions. Australia has a long history in success distance and online education with some of the world’s leading practice developed

•TEQSA and ASQA have also announced this week that they continue their flexible approach to regulation and that if you are enrolled online, you can be either here in Australia or return home. 

•Australian education providers are taking all the necessary precautions and are being flexible to student circumstances, offering options for deferring enrolments, among other measures.

•If students have questions about enrolment, fees, start dates, attendance or any other issues related to their studies, please contact their education provider in the first instance.


•We understand many students will need to delay their study start dates and take up Australian education provider’s flexible study options but have questions about their already granted visa.

• The Australian Government is actively looking at a range of options and measures to ensure that students will not be disadvantaged by this crisis.

•Further information on arrangements will be made available as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience during these challenging times.

•To stay up to date with travel and visa matters visit the Department of Home Affairs website contact details are: +61 2 6196  0196.

Travelling from Australia

Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents are restricted from travelling overseas from 25 March 2020 at 12:00hrs AEDST. This travel restriction does not apply to:

•People ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia

•Airline and maritime crew and associated safety workers

•People engaged in the day to day conduct of outbound and inbound freight

•People whose travel is associated with essential work at offshore facilities and

•People travelling on official government business, including members of the Australian Defence Force.

Travellers who believe they meet a travel restriction exemption can apply online to the Commissioner of the ABF.​​

Work rights and managing through these challenging times

•As Australia instigates stricter social distancing and preventative protocols, some states and territories have closed non-essential services. This means that many students access to part-time work has been cut or reduced. This is an issue for all workers in Australia.

•The government has made special exemptions for those already working for an approved employer to extend work hours beyond the usual 40 hours per fortnight.

•You are not alone, and the Australian community is here to support you.  Viruses don’t discriminate and neither do we.

•If you experience any issues or problems, please let us know, we will do all we can do to help you. We have many partners who are here to help as well.

• In these unprecedented times, it is important we all do our part to support our communities and demonstrate that we are all #InThisTogether.


State by State Education Sector Advice